Fake Celebrity of the Day

It’s so funny how people can be fooled into thinking someone is famous! With a little help from his friends and a few staged people, Thomas Elliot executed his prank by making people believe that he is a celebrity at a popular mall in Virginia. He was even escorted by the mall security everywhere, taking pictures with people and signing autographs. Check… Continue reading Fake Celebrity of the Day

Arabs Got Talent ناصر القصبي في برنامج

انضمام الفنان السعودي ناصر القصبي لأعضاء لجنة تحكيم برنامج المواهب “Arabs Got Talent” الموسم الثاني الذي سيبث على شاشة MBC ليحل محل الفنان المصري عمرو اديب. Via: Dubai Session

Walkable Roller Coaster

“Tiger and Turtle–Magic Mountain” by German art duo Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth is a walkable sculpture shaped like a roller coaster. Visitors can stroll along the track (except for the loop sections). The 69 foot tall sculpture is located in Wanheim Duisburg, Germany.