Super Fit 53 Year Old Man

Anthony Alderman from Brooklyn, New York, is a ridiculously ripped vegan that hasn’t eaten red meat since 1980. Alderman 53-year-old wakes up everyday at 7A.M with his daughters to get a quick workout in on one of the nearby neighborhood scaffolds, and that’s what kept him looking young and fit all these years. Take a look into the life of the… Continue reading Super Fit 53 Year Old Man

Nike Launches Nike+ FuelBand SE

Nike has launched the new Nike+ Fuelband SE. The band is mostly the same, only with some color: it comes in yellow, pink, or red accenting and the original black body. This new second-generation product has a similar design to the original version, with a rubberized band that fits snugly around the wrist comes in different sizes. The… Continue reading Nike Launches Nike+ FuelBand SE

Ramadan Infographic

A cool infographic created by Diet Center that gives you a few healthy tips of how to stay fit during the holy month of Ramadan. The information is all about what to do before, during, and after fasting, to help guide you through different ways to stay healthy.

Motorola Unveils Electronic Tattoo and Authentication Pill

At the D11 conference held in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, Wednesday, Motorola has presented the Electronic Tattoo, a flexible electronic circuits that can be attached to the wearer’s skin using a rubber stamp. The Biostamp electronic tattoo is developed by Massachusetts-based engineering firm MC10, made of silicon and contains an electrical circuit, antennae and sensors that bend and move… Continue reading Motorola Unveils Electronic Tattoo and Authentication Pill

Kuwait Cancer Control Center Website

The #1 tool to fighting cancer is awareness.  Awareness leads to early detection. Early detection leads to prevention. But above all the most important thing is to be informed and educated on the subject so we can fight the battle together. The University Health Network (UHN) signed an agreement with the Ministry Of Health in the… Continue reading Kuwait Cancer Control Center Website

Final Ceremony of Eat Healthy Q8

We were invited last week to attend the final ceremony of Eat Healthy Q8, 30 over weight kids joined the 30 day diet program with supervision, workout and a diet program, parents were also given awareness classes. Sitting there watching the kids talk about their experience gave me a great feeling, I can’t imagine the pride… Continue reading Final Ceremony of Eat Healthy Q8

Can Blood Type Change Over Time?

Is it possible that your blood type change like from type O to type B? Well, this is what happened when I took my driver to the Health Clinic to take his blood type test for his new Civil ID card. He has was an O+ for his whole life, and no they are telling me that he… Continue reading Can Blood Type Change Over Time?