Pet Lion Attacks TV Crew

No matter what, we can’t predict a exotic animals’s behavior. A TV crew members thought they were filming a docile Loin pet when, suddenly, it strikes! A video shot by the documentary crew shows the massive animal biting and clinging to the man while the owners are try desperately to pull it away. The Russian owners keep their pet Lion in a cage in the backyard,… Continue reading Pet Lion Attacks TV Crew

GoPro Captures Kevin Richardson Playing With Lions

The GoPro production crew journeys to Africa to explore the danger and beauty of the Lion Whisperer, aka Kevin Richardson’s passions for lions and their future. Kevin reunited with his pride of lions who are like a family to him, while wearing his GoPro to capture the stunning footage. He hugs the Lions, kisses the Hyenas… Continue reading GoPro Captures Kevin Richardson Playing With Lions