Arabs Got Talent ناصر القصبي في برنامج

انضمام الفنان السعودي ناصر القصبي لأعضاء لجنة تحكيم برنامج المواهب “Arabs Got Talent” الموسم الثاني الذي سيبث على شاشة MBC ليحل محل الفنان المصري عمرو اديب. Via: Dubai Session

The Visual Effects of Boardwalk Empire

The Emmy award winning team at Brainstorm Digital released a cool video of the before and after shots from season 2 of HBO’s hit series “Boardwalk Empire”. The development of digital visual effects technology has greatly reduced the costs of making films, it can be used to do just about anything.  

Andy Rooney Dead At 92

Iconic commentator Andy Rooney has passed away at the age of 92. Andy Rooney, the CBS News “60 Minutes” commentator known to generations for his wry, humorous and contentious television essays. He died Friday night in a hospital in New York City of complications following minor surgery. Rooney had announced on Oct. 2, 2011 in his 1,097th… Continue reading Andy Rooney Dead At 92

Plane Crash on Google Maps

A commercial aircraft spewing debris, with its wings snapped into pieces and its hull cut cleanly in half. It looks like a crash perfect enough for a TV show. And in fact that’s just what it was. Google Maps aerial view (See Map) has got some great shots of a simulated plane crash that was… Continue reading Plane Crash on Google Maps