The World’s First Mobile Apartment Building

This three-story 9,300-square-foot apartment building weighs 220 tons and is 40-foot high. It also moves. In fact, it’s the first building in the world that can be moved anywhere. It’s also earthquake resistant. The steel-framed building was moved to a waterfront location in Turku, Finland earlier this month. Neapo the company that built and moved the building,… Continue reading The World’s First Mobile Apartment Building

First Television Remote Control With Seven Functions

In 1961, the RCA Victor was one of the first TV to get a wireless remote control with seven function to adjust tint, color, brightness, volume, fine tuning, channel selection and on/off. Check out the TV commercial below. I could swear the voice over in the commercial sounded like John F. Kennedy! Source: Dvice

First Photograph of a Human Being?

This photo might be the first ever snap of a human being. The photo, taken by the famous photography pioneer Louis Daguerre in 1838, is a view of the Boulevard du Temple, Paris, and it’s been stirring up quite the conversation over at since it was discovered on the blog The Hokumburg Goombah. Via:… Continue reading First Photograph of a Human Being?

أكبر كتاب في العالم يبلغ ثمنه 100 ألف دولار

كشف النقاب في معرض فرانكفورت الدولي للكتاب عن أكبر كتاب في العالم يبلغ ثمنه 100 ألف دولار. يبلغ ارتفاع الكتاب مترين وعرضه ثلاثة أمتار وهو عبارة عن أطلس عنوانه “الأرض، الإصدار البلاتيني“. يضم الأطلس خرائط لقارات العالم وصورا عالية الوضوح لمعالم شهيرة. الأطلس مؤلف من 128 صفحة وهو من توزيع الناشر الأسترالي جوردون تشيرز. استغرق… Continue reading أكبر كتاب في العالم يبلغ ثمنه 100 ألف دولار