دشن الثري البريطاني السيرريتشارد برانسون مالك شركة فيرجين جالاكتيك للسياحة الفضائية أول مدرج للرحلات الفضائية التجارية في ولاية نيو ميكسيكو الامريكية وذلك ضمن خطة الشركة لتقديم خدمة السياحة الفضائية التجارية بعد نحو تسعة أشهر.
وتقارب كلفة الرحلة الواحدة 200 الف دولار ، حيث تؤكد شركة فيرجين جالاكتيك أن ما يناهز 370 شخصا قد وضعوا ما يقارب الخمسين مليون دولار كتأمين حجز لهذه الرحلات الموعودة لقضاء بضع دقائق في الفضاء الخارجي للأرض.
British billionaire Sir Richard Branson was on hand at Spaceport America in southeastern Sierra County, New Mexico for the dedication of a 10,000-foot long runway that will accommodate Virgin Galactic space flight tourism aircraft.
The cost of the flight would be around 200 thousand dollars. Virgin Galactic says that nearly 370 people placed approximately fifty million dollars as a deposit to book the trip.
Source: BBC Arabic, Virgin Galactic, Qatar News Agency
If I had an extra 200k laying around I would loveeee to do this! I've read they get approximately 6 minutes of complete weightlessness and are allowed to float around the cabin at this time. I can't even imagine how incredible that would be.
I would venture to say in the next 10-15 years opportunities like this will be common, and far less costly.
I agree you're right, it might even be close to an Airline ticket 🙂
Oh, and you blogged about it in English and Arabic — you are just too cool. Thank you 🙂
Hmm… Even if it was affordable I think I'd pass, I'm not a fan of heights. Traveling by plane is bad enough don't wanna go to space. Actually I think it would pretty cool if we can exile idiots into space ;p
Would you go for it if you had the cash?
loooool.. Yes I would.. bas I won't pay 200 thousand Dollars 🙂
200k to get the idiots into space? Hmmm, now that's worth it!