The Mega Hurtz is designed and engineered by Chris Rogers, it looks like a re-purposed battle bot but instead of targeting fellow robots, it allows the person behind the controls to hunt down people playing a game of paintball. And since it’s equipped with video cameras and an LCD display on the remote, the driver doesn’t even have to put themselves in harm’s way.
It’s got everything from red laser sights, night vision, a range of 500 feet and is strong enough to tow a Hummer. Pretty unstoppable it seems, though ironically it would probably only take a single paintball hitting the camera lens, essentially blinding the driver, to render it harmless. At the moment Chris has started a Kickstarter project with varying levels of support options to fund his work on the Mega Hurtz, and hopes that the refinements he makes to its design will one day make the platform a usable tool for military and law enforcement applications.
Source: OhGizmo