Viva did it again! Last night we were one of the lucky ones to get to watch the premiere of the X-Men First class. The movie was awesome!! Thanks VIVA.
Once again I missed the chance to meet some of my fellow Bloggers, I’ve been wanting to meet them. Mashallah the VIP room at 360 Mall was full of people (Mostly Bloggers), but it worked out just fine! I had the chance to meet the guys from Q8Blend, Q8 Black Market, Kuwaitiful, Omarker, Bloglaish, BananaQ8, P0ach, and last but not least His&Hers I saw them but couldn’t reach them. I also met the guys from VIVA Fahad Al-Fahad and May Subaie Thanks guys. I hope I didn’t miss any names and If I did forgive me.
Guys next time lets wear name tags please!
It was really my pleasure to meet you and chit chat with you 🙂 look forward to seeing you again and again inshalla 🙂
eeeh 3ala nass o nass .. 😛 glad u all enjoyed the event 🙂
تشرفنا بشوفتكم 🙂
bananaQ8: Same here.. Inshalla bro 🙂
RED_SONJA_Q8: tanakeray next time.. Thanks dear 🙂
bloglaish: الشرف لنا ياخوي 🙂