LED Glow Furniture by The Rental Company

The LED Glow Furniture from The Rental Company is ideal for putting in the garden, on the terrace or even in the living room. It’s also handy to control. Using a remote control you can alter the color of the long-life LED’s, set to pulse, change to color rotate, or set to a 3 hour timer, as well as 6 different vibrant colors. The LED Glow Furniture can also glow in classic white to suggest a modern minimalist theme.

The brand new LED furniture operate on internal batteries and can change up to 13 colors. You can easily select and change your color by using the wireless remote control, and each unit can be set to static colors, cross fades or flashing effects.

The Rental Company provide full rental services for all types of special events, like corporate events and private events throughout Kuwait.

For more Information:

Website: www.therentalcompany.co

Email: info@therentalcompany.com.kw
Tel: (965) 2434 3226
Fax: (965) 2434 2913

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