Playbox 4 One Xbox One PS4 Laptop

Console modder Eddie Zarick has unveiled his latest project, an improved model he calls the PlayBox P4One Mk II., similar to the first version, that combines both a PS4 and Xbox One in one casing.

The device has a 24″ Vizio 1080p LCD Smart Monitor that includes a remote control and an apps like a normal Smart TV with an HDMI out on the back of the unit (optional).

Playbox 4 One Xbox One PS4 Laptop 2 Playbox 4 One Xbox One PS4 Laptop 3 Playbox 4 One Xbox One PS4 Laptop 5

The switch on the back of the unit allows you to select which system you want to use. Both the PS4 and XBOX One remain stock, they work as if you were to buy them from the store. They have WiFi, wireless controllers, ext. The one thing that does not work is the Kinect or PS4 cameras.

PLAYBOX 4One Mk II is available with a price of $2,595.00 plus shipping. Watch the video below to learn more about the device.

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