Swedish ad agency Akestam Holst created an anti-smoking campaign by attaching smoke detectors to the digital display billboard. They chose a location in Stockholm’s Odenplan square where people often smoke. The digital screen features a simple photo of a male model. If people walk by ad with a lit cigarette the man in the ad will… Continue reading Smart Billboard Coughs When Smokers Walks By
Category: Advertisements
Nike 360-Degree Video Lets You Play Like Neymar
Nike Football has posted a virtual reality 4K 360-degree video that lets viewers be Brazil superstar Neymar Jr, who laces up in the Nike Hypervenom Phantom 2 Boots. Viewers can watch the video on a phone to explore different angles from Neymar’s point of view, offering a unique experience. Move your phone around to take the pitch as… Continue reading Nike 360-Degree Video Lets You Play Like Neymar
Hair Blowing Subway Ad
A Swedish pharmacy Apotek Hjärtat teamed up with innovative advertising agency Akestam Holst to created a subway ad that moves a model’s hair whenever a train enters the station. The creative Agency installed an ultrasonic sensors behind the display screens on a subway platform and then connected the sensors to the screen via a Raspberry Pi microcomputer. Watch the video below.
فكر أنا خوف؟
تدرون انه اللي يغني بدال الهندي اهو بشار الشطي؟ في رآيي لحد الان هذي اقوي دعايه تلفزيونيه لشهر رمضان، وهذا اثبت علي انه سرعة كواليتي نت صج فيلم هندي!! اضغط علي الرابط لمشاهدة الاعلان.
Behind The Scenes At McDonald’s Photo Shoot
McDonald’s Canada takes a new approach in marketing by directly answering the customers questions about its products. Hope Bagozzi, director of marketing for McDonald’s in Canada, released a You Tube video showing how it’s done and why. She picked up a Quarter Pounder with cheese from a local McDonald’s and takes it to Watt International‘s photo studio, where… Continue reading Behind The Scenes At McDonald’s Photo Shoot
Samsung Sends Protesters to Apple Store
An Australian blogger was shopping at the Apple Store in Sydney, when a black bus with a “Wake up” sign pulled infront of him while leaving the store. A group of protesters came out of the bus holding placards decorated with the same message. Apparently it looks like a flashmob teasing ad for Apple custumers to wake up.… Continue reading Samsung Sends Protesters to Apple Store
Burger King Hamburger Eye Shadow
A creative Burger King ad from Netherlands featuring burger-inspired eye shadow. Via: Serious Eats