Talented artist Mirjana Kika Milosevic used just her body, a black background and makeup to demonstrate an amazing optical illusion to create a freaky tiny waist with a knotted stomach. Milosevic has become notorious for turning herself into a human optical illusions in her make-up transformation videos.
Tag: 2D Paintings
Body Painting Artist Blends Models Into City Backgrounds
Talented artist Trina Merry spends up to eight hours painting the bodies of models so that they are almost invisible to the eye by blending them into the backgrounds of familiar iconic landscapes. The 34 year old artist unveils her new project entitled “Sweet Land of Liberty”, in which she makes her models disappear before famous… Continue reading Body Painting Artist Blends Models Into City Backgrounds
5 Dollar Bill Murray
Artist Matt Anderson aka Ginozko transformed Abraham Lincoln’s face into Bill Murray on the $5 bill. Watch the amazing transformation in the time-lapse video below.
Hand-Painted Persian Carpets By Jason Seife
Miami-based artist Jason Seife has beautifully created paintings inspired by complex patterns found in Persian carpets using a combination of acrylic and ink. Seife work is based on the history of classic carpet designs, with particular choices of pattern and color for ancient weaving craft in a new light.
Amazing Batman Body Painting
Kay Pike has posted an amazing time lapse (1,000x speed) video that shows her painting a Batman costume on her own body. She captured the footage while she was streaming live on Twitch. You can find Kays work collection available on Facebook and Instagram. Watch the video below.
Siberian Husky Makeup Tutorial
Talented makeup artist Ilana Kolihnov is teacher at the Yarin Shahaf beauty school in Tel Aviv, Israel, demonstrates how to create a realistic Siberian Husky face, using her own dog as a template. The 21-year-old began the tutorial with a white pencil before using a textured paint brush to create a fur-like effect on her skin. The… Continue reading Siberian Husky Makeup Tutorial
Incredible Make-up Turns Models Into 2D Paintings
Moscow-based photographer Alexander Khokhlov and make-up artist Valeriya Kutsan teamed up to used famous artwork and cartoons as inspiration to create a new series called 2D or Not 2D, that transforms the faces of models into 2-dimensional paintings.
96,690 Colorful Toothpicks
The beautiful piece of art you see in the above picture was created with 96,690 colorful toothpicks by 500 students in Japan. According to the teacher, Jim Mullins who invested in this project, claimed that it took almost 3 weeks to complete. The students used 96,690 colorful toothpicks. The colored toothpicks used in the project are red, blue, green, yellow, black, purple, white, and light… Continue reading 96,690 Colorful Toothpicks