Wired has posted a video about the amazing work of costume and prop-maker Shawn Thorsson. The talented craftsman shows us how he creates impressive life-size costume suit replica based on iconic movies, video games, and comic book characters.
Tag: Action Figure
Statue of Lenin Gets Darth Vader Makeover in Ukraine
Sculptor Alexander Milov transformed a statue of communist leader Vladimir Lenin into a monument of Darth Vader in Ukraine. The country recently passed a bill banning communist names and symbols. The statue also serves as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Seriously, somebody actually ran for office in Ukraine under the name Darth Vader.
Art Teacher Builds A Life-Sized Iron Man Hulkbuster
A Chinese art teacher has created an amazing 11-Foot-Tall life-sized Iron Man “Hulkbuster” armor. The 26-year-old middle school art teacher, Xing Yile, took 3 months to build the giant statue which is made of over 100 fiberglass-reinforced plastic components. Yile made a pair of armor replicas, one roughly the size of a small child, and the Hulkbuster in an underground parking lot… Continue reading Art Teacher Builds A Life-Sized Iron Man Hulkbuster
The First 3D-Printed Bust Of Barack Obama At Smithsonian
Digital imaging specialists at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington created a 3D bust and life mask of U.S. President Barack Obama. The process involved the use of a high-speed system consisting of 14 cameras, 50 LED lights, and handheld 3D scanners to capture every nuance of his skin, which allowed the team to capture detailed shape and facial properties in… Continue reading The First 3D-Printed Bust Of Barack Obama At Smithsonian
Osama Bin Laden Doll Goes Up For Auction With $2,500
An Osama bin Laden doll made as part of a secret CIA project in 2005 called ‘Devil Eyes’ and designed by the creator of G.I Joe is up for sale by online auction with a starting bid $2500. The 12-inch bin Laden doll was part of a programme which planned to distribute the dolls to children… Continue reading Osama Bin Laden Doll Goes Up For Auction With $2,500
Darth Vader Denied Vote In Ukraine Elections
Darth Alekseyevich Vader is a candidate in Ukraine’s parliamentary elections who promises to turn Ukraine into a “galactic empire.” The Sith Lord was banned from voting after he refused to remove his mask at a polling station in Kiev, causing a fracas with officials who he blamed for depriving him of his right to vote. Watch the… Continue reading Darth Vader Denied Vote In Ukraine Elections
Real Life Batman On The Streets Of Japan
Chibatman is a real-life version of Batman who rides throughout the city of Chiba, Japan as the “Dark Knight” on a custom three-wheeled Chibatpod. The 41-year-old welder has been around since the Fukushima earthquake that took place in 2011. Ever Since, Chibatman’s mission was simply to bring joy and happiness to the people in his city. Watch the video below. via: BBC
Darth Vader Car At Comic-Con 2014 in San Diego
The life-size Hot Wheels Darth Vader car made its first debuts at this year’s annual Comic-Con 2014 in San Diego on July 24th. The dashboard inside resembles the interior of Darth Vader’s iconic helmet and will make the Sith Lord’s distinctive heavy breathing sounds. The Darth Vader themed car is part of a larger line of Star Wars-inspired Hot Wheels merchandise due… Continue reading Darth Vader Car At Comic-Con 2014 in San Diego