Apple has unveiled a limited edition red iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. The phones will be joined by a new iPad, as well as new silicone phone cases in azure, camellia, and pebble. There will also be new leather cases in taupe, sapphire and berry shades, priced at $35. The special-edition iPhones will be available… Continue reading Apple Releases Red iPhone 7
Tag: aluminum case
The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Could Bend In Your Pocket
Owners of Apple’s new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are reporting that the thin aluminium construction has left some phone bent out of shape after carrying it in their pockets, a similar problem occurred with both previous iPhones the 5/5S. The MacRumours forums and Geek reports a small but growing number’ of users on Twitter are complaining of a major design… Continue reading The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Could Bend In Your Pocket
Snappgrip: Turn Your Smartphone into a Digital Camera
Snappgrip is a smartphone camera controls that can be mounted to a protective phone case to conveniently attach it when you want to capture some serious photos. Snap on the Snappgrip controller and gain access to real shooting controls including: Shutterfull press to take picture, half press to focus. Shooting Mode, Portrait, Landscape, Flash, Video,… Continue reading Snappgrip: Turn Your Smartphone into a Digital Camera
Case 66: Bookcase And Bumper for iPad Mini
Case66 is an ipad mini bumper book cover case that enhances the speaker volume. It’s made from aircraft grade aluminum that protects your ipad mini with shock absorbing materials, and props the ipad Mini up at a variety of angles for the best possible viewing experience. It’s an iPad Mini bumper that has a bunch of features… Continue reading Case 66: Bookcase And Bumper for iPad Mini
Anyone Bend Their iPhone 5?
Some iPhone 5 owners posted pictures and videos online showing what appear to be a slight bent in the middle of the device. The iPhone 5 gets bent out of shape because they were sat on by their users. The iPhone 4/4S cases came with glass and stainless steel. And in their place the iPhone 5 offers… Continue reading Anyone Bend Their iPhone 5?
Awesome Cases for iPhone 5
Boombox Ghetto Blaster iPhone 5 Case Apart from basic protection the Boombox Ghetto Blaster iPhone 5 Case adds the classic style from 80s. This illusive design of snap-on case fits perfectly to all the iPhone 5 models offered by different carriers. Available at Amazon for $18.50 and Etsy store at for $17.50. Retro Calculator iPhone 5 Case The Retro Calculator iPhone 5 Case is a silver metallic case with 2D image… Continue reading Awesome Cases for iPhone 5
The iPhone SLR Mount
The iPhone SLR Mount lets you mount your Canon EOS or Nikon SLR lenses to your iPhone 4 giving your phone powerful depth of field and manual focus. Telephoto, wide angle, macro, or your fixed-fifty lenses all attach to this mount giving you a full range of lenses at your iPhone lovin’ fingertips. The set… Continue reading The iPhone SLR Mount