Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine Documentary

Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine is a documentary about the personal and private life of the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. The upcoming film documentary is directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney, focuses on the difference between how Jobs was perceived in private and public lives. The film, from Magnolia Pictures and CNN Films, is scheduled to… Continue reading Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine Documentary

The First Official Trailer For Steve Jobs Movie

Michael Fassbender plays the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs in this film based on Walter Isaacson’s bestselling book. The movie focuses on Jobs’ life behind the scenes at three Apple product launch events through the 1998 release of the iMac. The new movie co-stars Kate Winslet as Joanna Hoffman, former marketing chief of Macintosh. Steve Wozniak,… Continue reading The First Official Trailer For Steve Jobs Movie

Susan Kare: The Woman Behind Apple’s First Icons

Susan Kare is an artist, graphic designer and pioneer of pixel art; she created many of the graphical interface elements for the original Apple Macintosh in the 1980s as a key member of the Mac software design team, and continued to work as creative director at NeXT, the company formed by Steve Jobs after leaving Apple in… Continue reading Susan Kare: The Woman Behind Apple’s First Icons

New Steve Jobs Movie Trailer on Instagram

The first-ever movie trailer released on Instagram, a trailer for Jobs, the film about the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs. The 15 second trailer was uploaded on July, 13 by film studio to promote the movie.

Steve Jobs’ Yacht Launched in The Netherlands

Steve Jobs‘ yacht was unveiled in a Dutch shipyard on Sunday. The yacht is named “Venus,” after the Roman goddess of love. According to OneMoreThing a Dutch website, the finished ship was launched in Aalsmeer, the Netherlands, more than one year since Steve Jobs’ death. Jobs’s widow Laurene Powell Jobs and three of their children, Reed, Aaron and… Continue reading Steve Jobs’ Yacht Launched in The Netherlands