Simplified Informatics, Kuwait launched an iPhone and Android Application “ جدول بوطبيله” exclusively for Ramadan. The users can view daily Arabic TV shows scheduling or set a reminders for each show. The app includes a variety of functions like the Ramadan calendar, setting a reminder for Imsakia and Magrib local timings of your favorite city and also can view Kuwait… Continue reading Mobile App for Ramadan By Simplified Informatics
Tag: AppStore
Rise: Alarm Clock App
Rise is a very simple iOS alarm clock app with an ultra-simplified interface that takes full advantage of the touch and gesture controls of Apple devices. The app is very easy to set, you can drag to set your alarm time and then choose to wake up to one of the custom Rise melodies, you can also choice… Continue reading Rise: Alarm Clock App
Apple Announces 128GB Fourth-Gen iPad
Apple will release a new iPad on Tuesday, February 5 with 128GB of storage – twice the current maximum. The 128GB iPad with Wi-Fi and iPad with Wi-Fi + 4G version provide twice the storage capacity of the 64GB models to hold even more valuable content including photos, documents, projects, presentations, books, movies, TV shows, music and… Continue reading Apple Announces 128GB Fourth-Gen iPad
Rockmate: The Rock Studio for iPad
Rockmate turns your iPad into a complete music studio easy and super fun to use. You can compose, record and play songs with up to 4 Rock players on one single iPad. Rockmate is easy to play with smart chords progressions, sounds great with separated guitar effects and in-house produced audio samples and is also fully… Continue reading Rockmate: The Rock Studio for iPad
صوت لمرشحك المفضل على الآيفون
تم تصميم وبرمجة هذا البرنامج للآيفون ليتوافق مع النظام المتبع في انتخابات مجلس الأمة الكويتي ومعرفة الفائزين بالانتخابات قبل موعدها ، حيث تم تقسيم المرشحين حسب الدوائر الخمس ، وسيتيح البرنامج للمستخدم التصويت لأربعة مرشحين من نفس الدائرة الإنتخابية ، ويتم تحديث وترتيب المرشحين تلقائيا بالاعتماد على المرشح الحاصل على عدد أصوات أكثر ، كما… Continue reading صوت لمرشحك المفضل على الآيفون
Cloth: iPhone App for Women
Ladies, unlock your closet. I have an iOS app that may be of interest to you, its called Cloth. The Cloth app lets you save and share your favorite outfits in categorize. It also lets you send your favorite outfits to, to be posted for the world to see. The App is available for download on… Continue reading Cloth: iPhone App for Women
لعبة كبت امي للآيفون
لعبة “كبت امي” هي لعبة جديد و فريده من نوعها لجهاز الايفون, اجمع ما تستطيع جمعه من أموال تتساقط من الكبت المنكوب. ما صار كبت هذا! للتحميل: AppStore
Amazon Android Appstore
The Amazon Appstore for Android went live, featuring nearly 30 categories of mobile apps such as books, games, social networking, music, and more. The Appstore offers one free paid app per day. You can also test-drive apps on your PC. “You control the app with your mouse and experience it like you would on your phone,”… Continue reading Amazon Android Appstore