Talented artist Trina Merry spends up to eight hours painting the bodies of models so that they are almost invisible to the eye by blending them into the backgrounds of familiar iconic landscapes. The 34 year old artist unveils her new project entitled “Sweet Land of Liberty”, in which she makes her models disappear before famous… Continue reading Body Painting Artist Blends Models Into City Backgrounds
Tag: art gallery
Artist Paints Portraits on His Hand and Stamps Them on Paper
Artist Russell Powell uses his hand as a stamp to create a series of stunning celebrity portraits. The artist paints the portraits directly on his hand and then applies on a sheet of paper as a stamp, while the ink is still wet.
Pour Paintings By Holton Rower
Filmmaker Dave Kaufman created a time-lapse video that documents the simple yet incredibly beautiful process behind Holton Rower’s series of pour paintings. The New York-based artist and his team use this pour technique to build up multiple layers of paint to create these amazing pieces of art.
Giant Melting Popsicle
A giant colored popsicle was placed into the gallery to slowly melt over the course of the day. The giant popsicle ice Sculptures is created by Argentinian artist Luciana Rondolini as part of her “Cosmic Calamity” series. via: Laughing Squid, Jeannie Jeannie