Dubs Acoustic Filters: A Stylish Ear Plugs

Dubs are a stylish ear plugs that filters and lowers volume in the range of mid and treble without muffling or distorting sound. A 12dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) creates a safe and pleasant auditory experience; protecting your ears without muffling the sound. The Dubs Acoustic Filters ear plugs will come in four colors (Teal, Blue, Pink and White) and will be available in November 3… Continue reading Dubs Acoustic Filters: A Stylish Ear Plugs

Amy Hears Sound for the First Time

Back in 2011, I posted a video about Sarah Churman who cried tears of joy after hearing her voice for the first time using a hearing implant. Another woman named Amy had a similar experience when she heard sounds for the first time in her life. Amy has been deaf since she was born. She has never heard the sound of… Continue reading Amy Hears Sound for the First Time