A fascinating short film created by Mile Nagaoka from National Geographic that shows how the soy sauce has been made for 750 years in Yuasa Town, Wakayama, Japan. Soy sauce is a condiment made from a fermented paste of boiled soybeans, roasted grain, brine, and Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillus sojae molds.
Tag: Food Market
Instant Ice Cream Rolls
A street food vendor in Phuket, Thailand prepares fruit-filled ice cream rolls made right in front of your eyes. In the video below, watch how the ice cream is made using 2 spatulas and a freezing cold work surface in about 2 minutes.
Ziji: Kuwait’s First Social Dining Network
Ziji is the first social dining network that uses the latest social tools and location techniques to help users discover trending restaurants, dining events and great deals in Kuwait. The app lets you check out what restaurants people are posting from, giving you the chance to interact with food critics, discover diners not based on reviews… Continue reading Ziji: Kuwait’s First Social Dining Network
Markthal Rotterdam: A Sci-fi Food Hall
Rotterdam’s sci-fi-looking fruit and vegetable market “Markthal Rotterdam” has just opened its doors in the Netherlands, offering tourists and residents the chance to grocery shop in style. Markthal is actually a combined food hall and apartment complex that contains 228 apartments, as well as 100 market stalls underneath its brightly-decorated archway. The facility has an… Continue reading Markthal Rotterdam: A Sci-fi Food Hall