Jennifer Aniston Stars in Funny Emirates Airline Commercial

A new Emirates Airline commercial featuring Jennifer Aniston having a nightmare where she discovers that her plane doesn’t have a bar, a shower or any of the luxury services that an Emirates A380 offers. Aniston awakes from her sleep to find herself in a first-class private suite on an Emirates Airbus A380. She realizes it… Continue reading Jennifer Aniston Stars in Funny Emirates Airline Commercial

Contagious Yawning Billboard

Cafe Pelé installed a motion-sensing billboard at Fradique Coutinho metro station in São Paulo, Brazil that displays a person yawning when someone passed by it. After a while, it made everyone in the station yawn, even me! Watch the video below.

Audi R8 Giving Birth to RS3

Audi UK posted a weird two-minute spot for the all new RS3 Sportback. The commercial basically features a Audi R8 struggling to give birth to a red gooey RS3 Sportback. I’m speechless, it’s hard to find the right words to describe what is happening in this rather peculiar promotional video. I have nothing more to say. Just watch it and you’ll… Continue reading Audi R8 Giving Birth to RS3

Realistic Polar Bear Puppet Walks Streets of London

A lifelike polar bear wandered through the streets of the British capital, leaving commuters bewildered at the sight of the unusual acquaintance. The eight foot tall puppet animal first stunned joggers and caused quite a stir when strolling through the Hampstead Heath Park in North London before making his way to Charing Cross Underground station… Continue reading Realistic Polar Bear Puppet Walks Streets of London

Mini Cooper Boxes In Amsterdam

Mini Amsterdam has launched a promotion campaign for their 99€ a month finance deal for the Mini Cooper. The campaign features a huge cardboard boxes left in various locations around Amsterdam. The idea illustrates just how small the Mini Cooper really is, which is small enough to fit in a cardboard box as a Christmas gift.

Never Eat Beans in Space

London-based visual effects studio Cinesite produced an awesome animated mock commercial about a group of astronauts being attacked by a deadly space monster on the moon. The best part of the video is the little gassy surprise at the end.