Gigapixel Image of Donald Trump’s Inauguration

CNN posted an incredible gigapixel photo of Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday, January 20, 2017. The gigapixel image is made up of 1 billion pixels. Check out the CNN’s ultra high-resolution photograph and see how much (and far) you can see.

Canon Video Camera with 4 Million Max ISO

Canon has introduced the first multi-purpose camera, the new ME20F-SH, which delivers exceptionally high sensitivity to capture Full HD video (35mm full-frame CMOS sensor – single, effective pixel count: approx. 2.26 million pixels) at maximum 75 dB gain setting, equivalent to an ISO sensitivity of over 4,000,000. The new camera has ability to capture color… Continue reading Canon Video Camera with 4 Million Max ISO

AirPano: Travel Book 360°

AirPano Travel Book specializes in taking high definition 360º panoramas of the most amazing places in the world, like 360 Aerial Panorama of Dubai. They have thousands of flat and interactive 360º photos on their website. The AirPano Travel Book application is now available for iPad and iPhone via the iTunes store. Watch video below to learn more… Continue reading AirPano: Travel Book 360°

Dubai in 4K: City of Gold

Select 4K stream with Team Supertramp’s latest video of Dubai, shot by Parker Walbeck and Carter Hogan. The video was mostly captured with a Canon 1DC in 4k, and a Glidecam HD 4000. The 4K is currently the highest-resolution signal available for in-home movies and television as well as on YouTube, and is set to replace 1080p and… Continue reading Dubai in 4K: City of Gold

Google Chromebook Pixel Touchscreen Laptop

The Chromebook Pixel is a laptop that brings together the best in hardware, software, and design to inspire future innovation. This Chromebook has the highest pixel density (239 pixels per inch) of any laptop screen on the market today. Packed with 4.3 million pixels work together to deliver crisp text, vivid colors, and extra wide… Continue reading Google Chromebook Pixel Touchscreen Laptop

360 Aerial Panorama of Dubai

A brilliant Interactive high resolution 360 virtual tours of Dubai City taken by AirPano team. The AirPano team is a group of Russian photographers who get to travel, take pictures of the most famous and interesting places around the world. The 360 degrees 3D aerial panorama of Dubai can be viewed in both high resolution and low resolution. For iOS users,… Continue reading 360 Aerial Panorama of Dubai

My New Nikon D3100

Last month, I bought one of the most affordable and economic DSLR cameras in the market. Its the Nikon D3100, this camera is really great for amature photographers like me, but at the same time it offers all the important features and new technologies and is capable to produce a very high quality photos. The… Continue reading My New Nikon D3100