The History of Urbanization (3700 BC – 2000 AD)

Max Galka of Metrocosm has created an amazing interactive map that records the formation of new cities over the course of 6,000 Years, from 3700 BC to AD 2000. Watch the video below, as the world’s cities are born one-by-one in 3700 BC and continuing up to the present.

Researchers Discovered Oldest Copy Of The Holly Quran

Researchers at the University of Tübingen have discovered a manuscript of the Holly Quran, beautifully written in Kufic sometime between 649 and 675 AD. It was donated to the university in the 19th century, and was written about 20 to 40 years after the death of the prophet Muhammad. This makes the manuscript one of… Continue reading Researchers Discovered Oldest Copy Of The Holly Quran

Colorized Photo: Lady in Red

This image looks like a black and white modern day photo with color splash effect. It’s a high resolution vintage photo taken by Stanley Kubrick in the 1940s in New York City. Although Stanley has a verity of photos to choose from, I find this photo very mysterious with a great sense of style and class to it. My first approach was to paint the whole image,… Continue reading Colorized Photo: Lady in Red

Gorgeous Colorized Historical Photos

An incredible collection of famous historic black and white photographs brought to life by Jordan Lloyd and Mads Madsen. The two professional colorists have combined their skills to create a remarkable series of color photographs from the American Civil War, and people of each era. Both of them are highly skilled digital artists. You can see more of their work by… Continue reading Gorgeous Colorized Historical Photos

Spitfire Airplane at 360 Mall

A behind the scenes look at the the historic British Spitfire jet fighter display at 360 Mall on February 22nd 2013. The plane was bought by the late Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in the 1940’s. The jet fighter display was part of an exhibition at 360 Mall in collaboration between the Royal Air Force Museum,… Continue reading Spitfire Airplane at 360 Mall

Amazing 1000 Years Time-Lapse Map of Europe

An incredible animated Time-Lapse video map of Europe fast forwarded from the year 1000 AD until the present day, showing Europe’s shifting borders, alliances, unions, territories, occupied land etc.