Tokyo-based computer graphics artists, the Ishikawas, has created an incredible realistic computer-generated Japanese school girl, called Saya. The husband and wife, Teruyuki and Yuki Ishikawa posted the computer generated image online, and have since seen them reposted thousands of times as people trying to figure out if Saya is real or not. The couple are planning… Continue reading Amazing Realistic Computer-Generated Japanese Girl
Tag: Hyperrealistic
Jurassic World: Building the Apatosaurus Dinosaur
Legacy Effects recently posted a video that features the process of designing and creating the animatronic Apatosaurus for Jurassic World. Go behind the scenes with the Legacy team as they use both new and traditional methods to probably create the most believable dinosaur sequence in the entire movie.
Artist Creates Hyper-Realistic Paintings of Women in Water
New York City-based artist Sean Yoro paints hyper-realistic murals of women all while floating on water! Yoro, aka hula, carefully carrying cans of colored paint on the edge of his board to produce these gorgeous paintings on concrete walls, creating a realistic reflection effect on water. Check out the rest of the artist beautiful paintings on his Instagram account. via: My Modern Met
Hyper Realistic Artworks By Ivan Hoo
Artist Ivan Hoo, from Singapore, earns a living from his realistic drawings and paintings that look like photographs. The 31-year-old takes up to three days to complete the impressive pieces, which include animal portraits and still life drawings of everyday items such as a Starbucks plastic cup or Nutella chocolate jar and a broken eggs. Most… Continue reading Hyper Realistic Artworks By Ivan Hoo
Amazing Realistic Sculptures of Actors and Movie Monsters
British artist Mike Hill is known for creating an amazing collection of hyper realistic silicone sculpture based on famous Hollywood actors and movie monsters. YouTube channel Tested paid a visit to the professional artist workshop in Los Angeles to give us a glimpse of some of his great work. Watch the interview in the video below.
Amazing Highly Detailed Miniature Dodge M37 Truck
A very talented guy has build a highly detailed Dodge M37 body from scratch for his remote control car, which took 60 hours of build time. The end result is incredible! The body is made mostly with 3mm Komacel and 1.5mm polystyrene sheets, glued with CA Super Glue. Driver is pine, bumper is aluminum. Watch the building process… Continue reading Amazing Highly Detailed Miniature Dodge M37 Truck
Amazing Hyper-Realistic Miniature Models
Japanese artist Satoshi Araki created a highly realistic miniature dioramas of streets, damaged vehicles and demolished buildings. It’s very hard to believe these photos are just miniatures, if it weren’t for the finger that appears in some of the pictures you would think its real.
Artist Creates Hyperrealistic Paintings of People in Water
Venezuela-based artist Gustavo Silva Nuñez creates an incredibly hyperrealistic oil paintings of people swimming in water, his use of light and reflections making them appear three-dimensional. Nuñez has been posting work-in-progress photos of his work on his Instagram account.