How to Turn a Tin Can Into a Grater

MrGear uploaded a video on YouTube to share with us a useful trick on how to turn a tin can into a grater. Of course, this idea will come to use if you are stranded or you are too lazy to get one.

6 Amazing Cooking Tricks By Chef Davy Devaux

Chef Davy Devaux from How To Make Sushi demonstrates a six handy kitchen tricks that will save you time and giving you less waste in the kitchen. Watch the video below.

How to Quickly Peel a Boiled Egg in Seconds

MitchMedia uploaded a video on YouTube on how to quickly peel a hard-boiled eggs in a matter of seconds. The short clip has currently received more than 16 million views. The simple and swift method involves placing the boiled egg in a glass, filling the glass a quarter of the way with water, cover with… Continue reading How to Quickly Peel a Boiled Egg in Seconds

Amazing Fire Tricks

Physics and illusion tinkerer Brusspup uploaded a video with 10 spectacular fire tricks, hacks, experiments that can be done using household supplies. You should proceed with great caution if you decide to try any of these fire tricks yourself. Enjoy!

How To Open A Bottle With A Piece Of A4 Paper

YouTube user Rhys Morgan has solved a problem faced by many: how to open a bottle of beer without an opener. The ingenious young man simply folds a piece of paper and pops the cap. He folds a piece of A4 paper vertically in half, he then folds in again, the paper is formed into… Continue reading How To Open A Bottle With A Piece Of A4 Paper