Olloclip has launched the 3 clip-on photo lenses set for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus cameras. The company has basically taken its precision-ground glass lenses to turn the phone into a near-professional quality camera. The Core, Active, and Macro Pro lens sets offer macro, wide-angle, and telephoto lens options, and feature an updated… Continue reading Olloclip New Lenses for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
Tag: lenses
Beautiful Time-Lapse of Pills Dissolving in Water
YouTube channel Macro Room decided to dissolve some expired gel tablets and dietary supplement in water, and captured it under macro lens. The timelapse video was created by photographer Ben Ouaniche
Google Smart Lenses
Google smart lenses that could be injected into your eyeball to permanently correct your vision or give you a super eyesight. This lens could turn your eyes into a pair of binoculars, giving you the ability to zoom in and out and focus on objects you couldn’t have before. Google says these lenses could be… Continue reading Google Smart Lenses
How To Make Fake Miniature Tilt-Shift Photos
Norwegian design studio Skrekkøgl place a massive sculpted 50 Cent coin alongside a full-sized objects to make them appear like tiny scale models. They shot the objects from above with a tilt-shift lens.
Shot: Virtual Reality Lens for iPhone
Shot is a lens accessory that turns your iPhone into a virtual reality camera. The lens attachment composed of two lenses that increase the field of view of your phone’s camera, with an app that allows you to capture 235-degree videos and 360-degree photos. Shot is raising funds for production on Kickstarter, where it’s raised about €22,121 of its €89,890 goal with 22 days of… Continue reading Shot: Virtual Reality Lens for iPhone
DxO ONE: A Plug-In iPhone Camera
French software company DxO Labs has launched a pocket-size camera that turns your iPhone 6 and 6 Plus into a DSLR camera. Called the DxO ONE, its a super bright f1.8 aperture lens, and a 20.2 megapixel, 1-inch sensor. That sensor size is on par with the Sony RX100 series of compact camera. Other features of… Continue reading DxO ONE: A Plug-In iPhone Camera
Extreme 343x Super Zoom From 4.5 km
YouTube user Daniel Taylor posted a video that simulates a 343x zoom lens by combining shots taken from 2.8mi with a Canon 550D on 11mm, 16mm, 50mm, 100mm, and 600mm lenses. Pair this with an 80mp sensor and you’ll have CSI levels of enhancement. (Choose 1080p60 for best effect in the video below). via: The Awesomer
Ztylus: Camera Case And Lens Attachment For Apple iPhone
If you like the idea of Sony’s QX lens system, Ztylus has something that may be of interest to you. The company has built a stylish case for the iPhone 6 that features three rotating lenses and a filter designed to improve upon the phone’s built-in camera, including macro, wide-angle, fish eye, and a circular polarizing filter.… Continue reading Ztylus: Camera Case And Lens Attachment For Apple iPhone