Samsung launched its flagship smartphones, the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. The smartphone will be available in most stores worldwide on April 21st. Pre-order starts saturday, April 1st. The smaller 5.8-inch Samsung Galaxy S8 will come with a Samsung Exynos processor, a QuadHD Infinity display with 570 pixels per inch (ppi) along with 4GB RAM. The S8… Continue reading Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus
Tag: Mobile Accessories
Rhino Shield Powerful Smartphone Cases And Screen Protectors
Rhino Shield has built a reputation for smartphone protection, and now the renowned case is available for Samsung Galaxy S7 and Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, as well as other android smartphones. The CrashGuard Bumper Case for Galaxy S7 is lightweight. The bumper case has been tested by dropping from heights of over… Continue reading Rhino Shield Powerful Smartphone Cases And Screen Protectors
Olloclip New Lenses for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
Olloclip has launched the 3 clip-on photo lenses set for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus cameras. The company has basically taken its precision-ground glass lenses to turn the phone into a near-professional quality camera. The Core, Active, and Macro Pro lens sets offer macro, wide-angle, and telephoto lens options, and feature an updated… Continue reading Olloclip New Lenses for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
Samsung Gear S3 Smartwatch
Samsung has unveiled the fourth generation of its Gear smartwatch, the Gear S3 at IFA 2016 in Berlin. The Gear S3 smartwatch is available in two different versions, the Frontier and the Classic. They include a bigger screen display (1.3 inches), a GPS signal, and a 4G-enabled model. Both offer IP68 water-resistance and higher-capacity batteries… Continue reading Samsung Gear S3 Smartwatch
Omnicharge: Smart Portable Power Bank
Omnicharge is a smart pocket-sized power bank with one AC/DC (120V AC and 150V DC) Power Outlet and two USB Fast-Charging ports for charging or powering nearly any device. The device is currently on Indiegogo where it raised $1,491,812 of its $50,000 goal with 9 days of funding left. The battery pack comes with an… Continue reading Omnicharge: Smart Portable Power Bank
Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Samsung has today officially launched the Galaxy Note 7 at Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2016 event in New City. The Galaxy Note7 features a gorgeous, curved 5.7-inch QHD Super AMOLED screen delivering a bold and immersive picture on a smartphone. The device is equipped with the advanced 12-megapixel camera with f/1.7 lens that was introduced on… Continue reading Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Watch 2016 Galaxy Note 7 Unpacked Event
Samsung will take the wraps off the Galaxy Note 7 tonight. Watch the live stream of the second Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2016 event in New York below.
Jiffy: Fastest Charging Hand-Crank Power Generator
Jiffy is a small portable charger that mechanically produces electricity to keep your devices charged without the need for power outlets. The hand-crank power generator supports “Quick Charge 2.0”, the fastest charging technology for charging devices. The charging module is 5V USB that charges all the devices that support the standard USB, and it offers… Continue reading Jiffy: Fastest Charging Hand-Crank Power Generator