HP has announced the new Z2 Mini Workstation PC with high-end hardware, measuring just 8.5″ x 8.5″ x 2.28″. The Z2 Mini preferably targets CAD, design, graphics and 3D users, while also posing decent gaming configurations. Inside small PC, it includes a quad-core Intel Xeon processor, Nvidia Quadro mobile M620 Quadro GPU with 2GB of VRAM,… Continue reading HP Z2 Mini PC
Tag: Modular Mini PC
Acer Revo Modular Mini PC
The new Acer Revo is a modular mini PC with stackable component that allow consumers to customize their computer with “Blocks” providing different features. So basically, if you need more storage than the 500GB base mode, all you have to do is stack a 1TB hard drive “block” on and you’re all set. The mini… Continue reading Acer Revo Modular Mini PC