The Clever Cutter is a sharp chopping knife and a handy cutting board combined in one single unit. This unique kitchen appliance is the fast, easy way to chop vegetables, fruits, meats, cheese and more. The Clever Cutter cost $14.99 on Amazon. Watch the video demonstration below.
Tag: nutritious food
World’s First Black And White Tomato Plant
Tomato experts at Sutton Seeds in Paignton UK, created the world’s first black and white tomato plant by blending rare strains of the fruit. The horticulturalists blended their unique black strain with a whe-cherry type to create the black and white plant. While the black tomatoes have a more savoury taste, the white ones pack… Continue reading World’s First Black And White Tomato Plant
The Most Expensive Fruits In The World
There are some fruits that rise above others in terms of monetary value, which could put a dent in your grocery budgets. Like the Densuke Watermelon for KD 17.000 ($61.000 US) or a box of 2 Taiyo no Tamago Mangoes cost around KD 855 ($3.000 US). Here are ten of the most expensive fruits in the world… Continue reading The Most Expensive Fruits In The World
A Girl’s Journey From Anorexia to Fitness on Instagram
Antonia Eriksson (18-year-old) is a fitness blogger from Sweden who used Instagram to document her recovery from Anorexia through out her daily posts. Last year, Antonia was admitted into a hospital after suffering from health problems caused by anorexia, she stayed there for two month. Her weight was around 38 kg (84 pounds) at the… Continue reading A Girl’s Journey From Anorexia to Fitness on Instagram
Ramadan Infographic
A cool infographic created by Diet Center that gives you a few healthy tips of how to stay fit during the holy month of Ramadan. The information is all about what to do before, during, and after fasting, to help guide you through different ways to stay healthy.
The Truth Behind Calorie Labels
Casey Neistat from the New York Times took five items from chain restaurants and convenience stores in New York City to compared the actual calories of the food to what’s listed on the nutrition facts. Neistat grabbed a tofu sandwich, a muffin, a Subway sandwich, a Starbucks Frappuccino and a Chipotle burrito. Then he brought the items to food scientists… Continue reading The Truth Behind Calorie Labels
Shocking Facts About Diabetes in Kuwait
Diet Center created an infographic to raise awareness about the risks and dangers of diabetes in Kuwait. The infographic shows 25% of Kuwaitis are suffering from type 2 diabetes and the other 80% are at risk from eating a large quantities of food regularly (often junk food). To interact and learn more, follow Diet Center on Twitter @dietcenterkw