Uncage the Soul Productions created an incredible short film that illustrate the journey from Portland’s past to present. The production company sorted through more than 5000 black and white photos in the process to complete this beautiful project. The film shows historic photos of Portland, Oregon shot 100 years ago blended with present photos, revealing the changes of… Continue reading Incredible Then-and-Now Journey Through Portland
Tag: old photos
Then And Now: Stunning Composite Photos of Paris
A clever collection of composite photos of the liberation of Paris during world war II by French art director Julien Knez. He brings together scenes from 1940s Paris with peaceful pictures of the city we visit now. Knez says he put the striking collection together to celebrate the 71st anniversary of the city’s liberation from Nazi control in… Continue reading Then And Now: Stunning Composite Photos of Paris
World War One Photos Mixed With Today’s Modern Images
Getty Images photographer Peter Macdiarmid took a set of old collection of photos from the World War One and combine them with similar present day images. These composite images show how places across London and further afield looked during the war compared to now. via: Telegraph
Photos After One Hundred Years
An amazing video shows historic photos of places in Antwerp, Belgium shot in 1914 and faded into present photos in 2014, revealing the changes of the historical builds after 100 years, since the World War one. The video was made to be displayed at the “Antwerp Fortifications 1914,” an interactive exhibition by Simon Stevin about the Siege of Antwerp in World War 1. via: Laughing Squid
Shanghai: Past and Present
The images of Shanghai’s Pudong district, which just decades ago was an area of farmland, document the formation of one of the world’s leading commercial hubs. A photograph of the city in 1987 (top) shows a land of low-rise factories- a far cry from the forest of skyscrapers jostling for space in the skyline today… Continue reading Shanghai: Past and Present
Back to the Future: Documentary About Irina Werning’s Photography Project
A short documentary video about Argentinian Photographer Irina Werning incredible “Back to the Future” photography project, where she recreates the scene of an old photo portrait of people, from lighting, background, location, and even clothing. Irina Werning travels around the world meeting people and searching for particular photos to recreate for her ongoing project. The documentary is created by UK-based… Continue reading Back to the Future: Documentary About Irina Werning’s Photography Project