2,100 Photos in 6.5 Years

YouTuber Rebecca Brown created a time-lapse video of herself that documents her battle with Trichotillomania, a condition which causes her to pull out her hair strand by strand, resulting in baldness and emotional trauma. In 2007, Brown started taking photos of herself almost every day. She compiled the 6 1/2 years’ worth of selfies into one time-lapse video that… Continue reading 2,100 Photos in 6.5 Years

SELFIE: Automated Selfie Mirror

The S.E.L.F.I.E. or “The Self Enhancing Live Feed Image Engine,” a two-way mirror that takes photos of you and automatically posts them on Twitter. The project is created by iStrategyLabs, and it consists of a Mac mini hidden behind the 2-way-mirror, a web cam and LED lights embedded behind the mirror. Check out the video below to… Continue reading SELFIE: Automated Selfie Mirror