Detective John Kimble is a character from Kindergarten Cop movie played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, back in the 90s. YouTuber Gapehorner used a soundboard of Arnold’s to prank the incredibly patient Hilton reservation employee, and managed to book a hotel room in their executive suite.
Tag: Prank Calls
Guido Hatzis Funny Prank Calls
Guido Hatzis is a Greek-Australian comic character created by Australian comedians Tony Moclair and Julian Schiller and voiced by Moclair. Guido appeared originally on Schiller and Moclair’s radio program “Crud” on the Australian Radio Network Triple M. Several albums were released in the name of Guido Hatzis, including “Do Not Talk Over Me” in 1999,… Continue reading Guido Hatzis Funny Prank Calls