Famous Disney Characters Brought To Life

Digital artist Jirka Väätäinen from Melbourne, Australia has created portraits of ‘real life’ Disney characters, like Cinderella’s Prince Charming, along with Princes Phillip, Eric and Adam from Sleeping Beauty, all brought to life through digital painting. John Smith from Pocahontas, Aladdin, Hercules and Tarzan also feature in the series. Previously, Väätäinen also enjoyed viral success with his series of images… Continue reading Famous Disney Characters Brought To Life

Amazing Fast & Furious Remote Control Car Chase

At first glance, this car chase may look like a clip from the upcoming Fast & Furious movie. This spectacular car chase video was actually captured using radio-controlled cars. Vax Studio paid a tribute to the late actor Paul Walker by re-creating a car chase scene from Fast & Furious movie between Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel)… Continue reading Amazing Fast & Furious Remote Control Car Chase

Creepy Wedding Cake With Two Bloody Severed Heads

Cake artist Natalie Sideserf, the owner of Austin bakery Sideserf Cake Studio, decided to avoid the idea of making a traditional wedding cake when she and her husband were married last October. Natalie took the phrase “Till death do us part” to a whole new level by crafting a hyperrealistic cake depicting both of their heads. Natalie says, she acknowledges the cake design was “very… Continue reading Creepy Wedding Cake With Two Bloody Severed Heads

Realistic 3D Printed Robot Spider

Robugtix T8 is a wirelessly controlled bio-inspired octopod robot made with high resolution 3D printed parts. It uses a total of 26 motors, 3 in each leg and 2 in the abdomen, that enable it to move like a real spider. It is powered by the Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics Engine which performs all of the necessary calculations for smoothly… Continue reading Realistic 3D Printed Robot Spider

Ashtray Cake Made with Realistic Cigarette & Ashes

Natasha of Nevie-Pie Cakes is known for creating desserts with disgusting themes. Her latest work is this Ashtray cake which was decorated with realistic and edible cigarette butts and ashes. Not matter what, I’ll never dare eat something like that.

Snake Cake Looks So Real

This cake looks so real that the thought of eating it gives me the creeps! Francesca Pitcher from North Star Cakes in the UK created an amazingly realistic cake for her daughter’s birthday that looks exactly like a Burmese Python. via: Huffington Post