Solar Impulse 2 Completes Journey Across Pacific Ocean

The Solar Impulse 2 has landed in California on Saturday, three-day flight across the Pacific Ocean as part of its journey around the world. Pilot Bertrand Piccard landed the sunlight-powered aircraft in Mountain View, in the Silicon Valley south of San Francisco on the night of April 23rd, at 11:45 p.m. following a 62-hour, nonstop… Continue reading Solar Impulse 2 Completes Journey Across Pacific Ocean

Solar-Powered Airplane Attempt To Fly Around The World

After becoming the first solar powered airplane to complete an intercontinental flight in 2012 and then traveling across the USA in 2013, the Solar Impulse 2 has embarked on its most recent world record-breaking attempt, the 2015 round-the-world trip. The Solar Impulse 2 took off from Al Bateen Airport in Abu Dhabi and will attempt to… Continue reading Solar-Powered Airplane Attempt To Fly Around The World

Creating a Sun-Powered Death Ray

Kevin Moore and Grant Reynolds from What Could Possibly Go Wrong? on the Science Channel attempted to create a focused beam of light hot enough to melt bronze. To accomplish this goal, they will only use the lenses of old projection TV’s and the abundant light of the sun. Watch the video below.

Topaz Solar Farm: The World’s Largest Solar Plants

Topaz Solar Farm is an ongoing construction projects of a solar photovoltaic power plant located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The project began in November 2011 and is scheduled to finish in 2015. Once it is completed, the plant is expected to produce sufficient electricity to power approximately 160,000 average California homes. The 550-megawatt Solar Farms… Continue reading Topaz Solar Farm: The World’s Largest Solar Plants

Mercedes-Benz New Concept Car Powered By Its Paint Job

Mercedes-Benz has unveiled the Vision G-Code, a concept car that doubles up as a huge solar panel to generate energy. Using something known as ‘multi-voltaic’ silver paint. The SUV concept car or SUC (Sports Utility Coupé) as Mercedes-Benz calls it, is designed to capture energy from solar rays to power a hybrid engine. It can even… Continue reading Mercedes-Benz New Concept Car Powered By Its Paint Job

SOL Solar-Powered Laptop

The SOL is the world’s first rugged, waterproof solar-powered laptop computer that runs entirely by the power of the sun. The Laptop equipped with a detachable solar panel, which the developers claim will provide 10 hours of battery life after just two hours in the sun. The SOLS (SuperSol) Laptop comes with an Intel Atom… Continue reading SOL Solar-Powered Laptop

The Eiffel Tower Gets A New Glass Floor

Eiffel Tower celebrates its 125th birthday with new see-through glass floor as part of a 38 million dollar face-lift. The glass floor will allow visitors to feel as if they are walking on air nearly 200 feet above ground. The glass floor was unveiled along with the new solar panels to provide half of the… Continue reading The Eiffel Tower Gets A New Glass Floor

Solar Mirrors Reflect Sunshine Into Norwegian Town

A three large solar mirrors was installed on the hillside of Rjukan, Norway to reflect light on the shady small town, which has never seen sunlight during winter for the past 100 years. The sun is so low in the sky it never reaches the valley ground, where the town actually is. The 183-foot solar mirrors are programmed to track the sun… Continue reading Solar Mirrors Reflect Sunshine Into Norwegian Town