Megahonyaku: Megaphone Translation By Panasonic

Megahonyaku (Megaphone Translation) is an electronic megaphone that automatically translates words into multiple languages. The device, created by Panasonic, will recognize the voice, analyze the sentence structure, and then translate the message into 3 languages. Watch the video below to get an idea of how the device works.

Bloomframe: A Window That Transforms Into a Balcony

Bloomframe Window is an innovative window design that transforms into a balcony at the touch of a button. It consists of tough all-weather materials and controlled by a smooth electronic system. This magnificent design is created by Hofman Dujardin, an Amsterdam-based architecture firm and engineered by French manufacturer Kawneer France. The balcony is now in… Continue reading Bloomframe: A Window That Transforms Into a Balcony

ili: Wearable Instant Translator

Logbar Ili is a new wearable translation device that translates your words instantly in a touch of a button. The device pulls from a database of words and phrases for its translations and can currently translate 10,000 words in English, Japanese, and Chinese. The company promises that it will eventually be able to translate French, Thai, Korean, Spanish, Italian… Continue reading ili: Wearable Instant Translator