On March 30, three friends in Ireland launched their Twin Strangers project, searching the internet for their real-life doubles. After receiving many submissions, Niamh Geaney, 26, found her “twin stranger” Karen Branigan, 29, who lived just an hour’s drive down the road from her. In the video below, Gaevey and Karen Branigan meet for the first time.
Tag: Twine
Portraits of Unrelated Look-Alikes
Canadian photographer François Brunelle set out to find 200 couples of such doubles for his photo series ”I’m not a look-alike!”. via: Laughing Squid
Twine: Connects Any Object to the Internet
Twine is a project that came to live after raising over half a million dollars on Kickstarter. Twine lets you create Internet-connected systems and objects anywhere you have WiFi. Twine is the simplest possible way to get the objects in your life texting, tweeting or emailing. A durable 2.5″ square provides WiFi connectivity, internal and external… Continue reading Twine: Connects Any Object to the Internet