The iPhone SLR Mount

The iPhone SLR Mount lets you mount your Canon EOS or Nikon SLR lenses to your iPhone 4 giving your phone powerful depth of field and manual focus.

Telephoto, wide angle, macro, or your fixed-fifty lenses all attach to this mount giving you a full range of lenses at your iPhone lovin’ fingertips.

The set includes an aluminum case, a thick lens adapter, and a UV filter, all this would be included with zoom, macro, fisheye, or wide angle glass to your always connected iPhone.

The SLR Mount for the iPhone 3 costs $190, and the iPhone 4 costs $249.


Source: Uncrate


  1. That's pretty cool! I love the camera on my iPhone 4! Bs a7is itha barakib my canon lens on this thing, the grip is gonna be awkward?!

    Wallah yabela! 3n naglaht the whole camera ;p

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