Hey-Hey-Hey Yogi Bear Movie

Yogi Bear is a fictional bear who appears in animated cartoons created by Hanna-Barbera Productions. He made his debut in 1958 as a supporting character in The Huckleberry Hound Show. Yogi Bear was the first breakout character created by Hanna-Barbera, and was eventually more popular than Huckleberry Hound. I used to watch Yogi Bear as… Continue reading Hey-Hey-Hey Yogi Bear Movie

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Dell Inspiron Duo Coming Soon

The Dell Inspiron duo, a netbook-hybrid tablet is “coming soon,” according to a promotional video posted on YouTube. The video, however, did not disclose when Dell’s dual-core Atom notebook will be available. The 10-inch, Windows 7-based device includes a hidden keyboard, functioning as a netbook and a tablet. source: PC Magazine

حديقة للعشاق الشباب في سريلانكا

قالت الحكومة السريلانكية انها ستبني حديقة خاصة للعشاق من الشباب ممن يبحثون عن الحرية في اللقاء، من دون الحرج الاجتماعي او الخشية من ملاحقة الشرطة. يشار الى ان الشرطة كانت اعتقلت المئات من العشاق الشباب في مدينتين بدعوى انهم كانوا يلاطفون بعضهم علنا، الا ان الحكومة المحت الى حرجها من تلك الاعتقالات. والهدف من خطة “حديقة… Continue reading حديقة للعشاق الشباب في سريلانكا

World’s Oldest Person Dies

The world’s oldest person, a nun named Eugenie Blanchard, died on Thursday aged 114 in the French West Indies, officials said. She was born on Saint-Barthelemy, a French overseas territory, on February 16, 1896 and after becoming a Catholic nun left to pursue her vocation in the then-bustling Dutch West Indies colony of Curacao. Source:… Continue reading World’s Oldest Person Dies

Dating Site For Ugly People

The Ugly Bug Ball is a British dating website for people who may not exactly be lookers, but probably have great personalities, to get to know one another. Or, as the website itself bluntly puts it, “If you are one of the millions of people [who] don’t always like what they see in the mirror, then this… Continue reading Dating Site For Ugly People