Smokers Social Networking Device

One of the common ways of getting connected wirelessly is via computers, smartphones, car stereo or even refrigerators. But e-cigarettes? Now thats a first! Blu is an electronic cigarette with built-in network connections. Get within 50 feet of someone who smokes your same Blu brand, and both of your packs will flash a blue light and vibrates.

The e-cigarette will go on sale next month for $80 for five e-cigarettes. The pack itself will act as a charger for the cigarettes and its connected chip will alert you to nearby Blu smokers as well as alerting you when you walk past shops that sell Blu products.

The reusable packs, which serve as a charger for the cigarettes, can be set to exchange information about their owners, like contact information on social networking sites, that can be downloaded onto personal computers.

According to the founder of Blu Jason Healy, later versions will be tethered to a smartphone through an app, allowing more options for real-time communication. The company also plans to develop a system through which the packs will monitor how much people are smoking and report back to them.

I have seen throughout the years that Social Networking is becoming a ubiquitous tool for connecting and communicating with others and now it got even bigger!

via: Time Techland


  1. It’s just so unbelievable how things such as e-cigarette turned into networking device. I want this as a gift to my best friend. I think he’ll gonna love this awesome product.

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