Amazon Go: Digitally Advanced Shopping Store

Amazon Go is a new advanced shopping store, located in Seattle, that lets shoppers pick up goods and walk out with no checkout required. Simply use the Amazon Go app to enter the store, take the products you want, and go! No lines, no checkout. The Checkout-free shopping experience is made possible by the same… Continue reading Amazon Go: Digitally Advanced Shopping Store

World’s Fastest Shopping Cart

An eccentric car enthusiast has created the world’s fastest shopping cart with a top speed of around 210 Km/h (130 Mp/h). The trolley with a seating capacity of six people has a 5.8-litre V8 Chevrolet powered by a 290 horsepower engine, normally used in muscle cars. Cal VanSant built the giant trolley as a stunt for his son-in-law… Continue reading World’s Fastest Shopping Cart