Statue of Lenin Gets Darth Vader Makeover in Ukraine

Sculptor Alexander Milov transformed a statue of communist leader Vladimir Lenin into a monument of Darth Vader in Ukraine. The country recently passed a bill banning communist names and symbols. The statue also serves as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Seriously, somebody actually ran for office in Ukraine under the name Darth Vader.

Darth Vader Denied Vote In Ukraine Elections

Darth Alekseyevich Vader is a candidate in Ukraine’s parliamentary elections who promises to turn Ukraine into a “galactic empire.” The Sith Lord was banned from voting after he refused to remove his mask at a polling station in Kiev, causing a fracas with officials who he blamed for depriving him of his right to vote. Watch the… Continue reading Darth Vader Denied Vote In Ukraine Elections

Airplane Turned into Kindergarten in Georgia

An old plane converted into a kindergarten in Rustavi, Georgia is proving to be a massive hit with students and parents. Gari Chapidze, rector of the Institute of Georgian-Ukrainian Social Relations, purchased a working Yakovlev Yak-42 airplane from Georgian Airways and turned it into a school for kindergarten kids. The staff say the children love playing in the… Continue reading Airplane Turned into Kindergarten in Georgia

Toyota Yaris Parked on Third Floor Balcony

A red Toyota Yaris was spotted parked in the balcony on the third floor of an apartment building in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. The owner of this car went to extreme measures to dodge any prowling parking wardens by amazingly getting his vehicle into a very tight spot – 60ft up in the air. How… Continue reading Toyota Yaris Parked on Third Floor Balcony

Ukrainian Woman Turns Herself into Anime Character

Anastasiya Shpagina, a 19-year-old Ukrainian woman transforms herself to look like a Japanese anime-style character. Anastasiya has over 10,000 fans on her Facebook page, she also posted a YouTube video demonstrating on how to apply her make-up.