Microcamera the Size of a Grain of Salt

A team of researchers have created a microcamera as large as a grain of salt, supplies razor-sharp pictures and can be manufactured very inexpensively. This microscopic camera is the work of the Fraunhofer Institute and image sensor company Awaiba. It’s essentially a tiny 1mm square substrate with a layer of image sensors and then a… Continue reading Microcamera the Size of a Grain of Salt

Full-Length Theatrical Trailer of Super 8

Paramount Pictures has released the first, full-length theatrical trailer of Super 8. The movie directed by J.J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg. Starring Elle Fanning, Kyle Chandler, Ron Eldard, Noah Emmerich, Gabriel Basso, Ryan Lee, Zach Mills and Amanda Michalka. It’s due to hit theaters everywhere on June 10th, 2011. I think this movie is going… Continue reading Full-Length Theatrical Trailer of Super 8

تأجيل موعد سباق الوطني للمشي

أعلن بنك الكويت الوطني عن تأجيل موعد سباق «الوطني» الـ 17 للمشي الذي كان مقررا إقامته اليوم السبت الى يوم السبت 26 الجاري وذلك نظرا لتقلبات الاحوال الجوية، وسيكون آخر موعد للتسجيل يوم الخميس الموافق 24 مارس الجاري. وستكون نقطة بداية السباق للرجال من امام المركز العلمي في السالمية اما نقطة انطلاق سباق النساء فستكون… Continue reading تأجيل موعد سباق الوطني للمشي

Shocking Videos of Japan Disaster

The web watched in horror as this morning’s earthquake struck northern Japan, and tsunami waves quickly swept across it. The news spread rapidly across Twitter, and home-made (sometimes terrifying) videos were posted online within minutes.   Lots of montage of  TV coverage clips (Click here) put together by The Daily Telegraph that shows the shocking and devastating scale… Continue reading Shocking Videos of Japan Disaster

Categorized as News, People

Tornex Cigarette Smoke Removal

The Tornex system is designed to deal with the smoke from deliberate man-made fires, cigarettes, using a series of perforated silver poles that all blow air in the same direction, creating a miniature vortex. The air is then drawn into a charcoal filter system which removes about 95% of the smoke and odor before it’s… Continue reading Tornex Cigarette Smoke Removal


Sikkaa.com is a social networking website for amateur football players. The websites goal is to create a new culture of amateur football in Kuwait and maybe one day the rest of the world. All you need is to register with friends (minimum of 5 players) to form a team, or you can always join an… Continue reading Sikkaa.com

Most Realistic Robot Ever

A team of researchers at Aalborg University in Denmark designed a realistic robot Geminoid DK, still pretty far from the end result, but brilliantly made. The robot looks incredibly lifelike and could be easily passed off as a human being.

I Can Handle It

I received an e-mail from a reader asking women to join her in something very interesting that could benefit most women. Please read below: I am a Kuwaiti woman that really wants to learn about car mechanics. I want to learn about it because it’s important. When I drive my car, I always wonder if… Continue reading I Can Handle It

Categorized as In Kuwait