Guy Jumps Into Bathtub Full of Hot Sauce

Cemre Candar has recently posted a video of himself jumping into a bathtub filled with 1,250 bottles of hot sauce. The daredevil empties buckets of hot sauce into his bathtub and tosses in fresh chili peppers. Within a few seconds of lowering himself into the tub, he started to feel the burn. Lets see what… Continue reading Guy Jumps Into Bathtub Full of Hot Sauce

Watch Two Guys Eat The World’s Hottest Chili Pepper

Sean Evans met up with Danish chili pepper expert Chili Klaus to take on the hottest chili pepper known to man, the Carolina Reaper. Its was created by Ed Currie of PuckerButt Pepper Company, with a world-record of 1,569,300 rating on the Scoville heat-measuring scale. Watch what happens when both Evans and Klaus eat the world’s hottest chili pepper… Continue reading Watch Two Guys Eat The World’s Hottest Chili Pepper