Massive Mayfly Emergence Captured On Radar

A huge swarm of mayflies emergence from the Mississippi River near and around La Crosse, Wisconsin on July 20th produced a massive result on radar. It’s not often they swarm in such numbers as to be picked up by radar as rain. The nuisance bugs cover just about everything once they emerge and nearby residents… Continue reading Massive Mayfly Emergence Captured On Radar

A Bizarre Bug That Looks Like a Troll Doll

The bizarre-looking insect, which resembles a fuzzy-headed Troll doll toy was discovered after researchers from the University of Harvard trekked for three weeks to explore the untouched rainforest of southeast Suriname. The 7mm-wide creature is called nymph and is covered in orange dots and stripes. The swishy tail is actually made of wax and wards off predators. via: Metro