CataCombo: Sound System for Coffins

You’ve got to be kidding me! Check this out, a Swedish based company called Pause designed a digital sound system specially for coffins that plays music for dead people, can you believe that? When I first saw the TV ad I thought it was one of those prank videos on YouTube, but believe it or not, Its real! The coffin is equipped with… Continue reading CataCombo: Sound System for Coffins

Pizza Hut Perfume

You can now smell like Pizza! And I am not kidding when I tell you that Pizza Hut Canada has released “Eau de Pizza Hut,” a limited-edition perfume. The Canadian subsidiary of the Dallas-based pizza chain selected the 110 from more than 1,000 responses to a social media-based promotional campaign. The promotion was to mark Pizza… Continue reading Pizza Hut Perfume

Split Colored Lobster

A lobster with an orange side and a black side, perfectly split down the middle was caught by a Massachusetts fisherman last week in Beverly, a seaside community 20 miles northeast of Boston. The odd coloration is extremely rare. Officials estimate it occurs once in every 50 million lobsters. via: MSN News

Toyota Yaris Parked on Third Floor Balcony

A red Toyota Yaris was spotted parked in the balcony on the third floor of an apartment building in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. The owner of this car went to extreme measures to dodge any prowling parking wardens by amazingly getting his vehicle into a very tight spot – 60ft up in the air. How… Continue reading Toyota Yaris Parked on Third Floor Balcony

Spider Lives in Woman’s Ear for Five Days

A Chinese woman went to her doctor complaining of an itchy ear in China. When doctor took a look inside, he found a spider living in the woman’s ear canal. Apparently, the spider had crawled into the woman’s ear while she was sleeping and lived there for five days before doctors extracted it. The doctor and his… Continue reading Spider Lives in Woman’s Ear for Five Days

Asnan Clinic Blogger Competition

Last Saturday, I got a bag from Asnan Clinic with weird stuff in it, a wig, fake eye lashes, a balloon which was torn apart by the kids, and a piece of paper with an QR Code printed on it. If you ask me about my first impression, I thought it was some sort of a lame joke from a friend or maybe… Continue reading Asnan Clinic Blogger Competition