A fascinating short film created by Mile Nagaoka from National Geographic that shows how the soy sauce has been made for 750 years in Yuasa Town, Wakayama, Japan. Soy sauce is a condiment made from a fermented paste of boiled soybeans, roasted grain, brine, and Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillus sojae molds.
Tag: Japanese Food
Giant Sushi Roll
At the 2016 Japanese Food Festival in Los Angeles, California, Couch Potato Cook posted a video of the Sushi Chef Institute students preparing an incredible giant sushi roll as part of a tasty preview event.
The Raindrop Cake
The Raindrop Cake is a Japanese water that is created by Darren Wong and its made from a precise mixture of agar and spring water, thats the jiggly blob which is served with roasted soy flour and black sugar cane syrup. Wong first introduced the Raindrop Cake at Smorgasburg in Williamsburg, NY where it is currently… Continue reading The Raindrop Cake
A Master Of Soba Noodle Making
Tatsuru Rai is the owner and chef of Sobatei Rakuichi restaurant in Niseko, Hokkaido. Its considered one of the great soba houses in the world. With the help of his wife Midori, he mixes, kneads, and cuts all of the buckwheat to order. He was the first person to appear on stage with his wife at the fourth annual MAD4… Continue reading A Master Of Soba Noodle Making