Celebrities As 19th Century Russian Generals

British artist Steve Payne has created these amazing portraits of celebrities by Photoshopping their heads into 19th century paintings of Russian generals. The original paintings, by artist George Dawe, show Russian generals who had successfully fought Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812. Via: My Modern Met

Split Family Faces

Ulric Collette is a 29 year old graphic designer and photographer from Quebec, Canada. Ulric has created a very interesting and freaky project where he explores the genetic similarities between different members of the same family. By splitting their faces in half and then melding them together, he creates interesting new people that are sometimes… Continue reading Split Family Faces

A Trip of a Lifetime: Move, Learn, Eat

Actor Andrew Lees went on a series of three short films that took place in 11 amazing locations around the world. In all three films you’ll see Andrew visiting exotic places, trying all sort of delicious food, and being taught by people. The whole concept of the films based on movement, learning and food. It took… Continue reading A Trip of a Lifetime: Move, Learn, Eat

Custom Made Viewmaster

Now you can have your own personalized Custom Made Viewmaster for wedding invitations, anniversary or any other special occasion. You simply have to send along 7 high resolution images you want to use, including a brief description, and they’ll create a custom Viewmaster slide for your occasion. It take about 6 to 8 weeks to… Continue reading Custom Made Viewmaster

The iPhone SLR Mount

The iPhone SLR Mount lets you mount your Canon EOS or Nikon SLR lenses to your iPhone 4 giving your phone powerful depth of field and manual focus. Telephoto, wide angle, macro, or your fixed-fifty lenses all attach to this mount giving you a full range of lenses at your iPhone lovin’ fingertips. The set… Continue reading The iPhone SLR Mount

My New Nikon D3100

Last month, I bought one of the most affordable and economic DSLR cameras in the market. Its the Nikon D3100, this camera is really great for amature photographers like me, but at the same time it offers all the important features and new technologies and is capable to produce a very high quality photos. The… Continue reading My New Nikon D3100