McLaren F1 Replica Made in Poland

A Top Gear fanatic Jacek Mazur, 48, built his own replica McLaren F1 using only scrap and spare parts for about $33,000 thats 250 times cheaper than the real thing. He even paid tribute to his favorite television show by building a tiny rear seat for Top Gear co-host Richard Hammond. The Polish amateur mechanic previous projects have included building… Continue reading McLaren F1 Replica Made in Poland

Indian Chef Fries Fish With Bare Hands

Indian chef dips his bare hands into a bubbling hot oil (200 degree Celsius) to pluck out fried fish. Prem Singh, 65, has been using bare hands to fry fish for past 25 years in Old Delhi, India. He regularly plucks fried fish from the vat using his bare hands. But incredibly, the veteran fryer… Continue reading Indian Chef Fries Fish With Bare Hands

Santa Gorilla Visits Hollywood Blvd

The Oscar-winning CGI effects team from Amalgamated Dynamics showing off their state of the art Santa Gorilla at Hollywood Blvd, California. They actually brought Bernie the Gorilla from The Zookeeper to Hollywood to share the wonder of practical effects with tourists and movie fans. The Gorilla’s face is controlled by four puppeteers with ADI co-founder Tom Woodruff Jr. inside the suit. Watch the… Continue reading Santa Gorilla Visits Hollywood Blvd

Never Eat Beans in Space

London-based visual effects studio Cinesite produced an awesome animated mock commercial about a group of astronauts being attacked by a deadly space monster on the moon. The best part of the video is the little gassy surprise at the end.

Buffalo Flips a Lion Into the Air

A lion was flipped five meters into the air by a buffalo in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. The buffalo bull was trying to rescue his friend from certain death. The amazing images were captured by Ian Matheson, 52, during an early morning game drive with his son Oliver, 16, and two of Oliver’s… Continue reading Buffalo Flips a Lion Into the Air

Ant Colony Sculptures Made By Molten Aluminum

A cast metal sculptures of ant colonies made by pouring molten aluminum to fill the tunnels and chambers of the nest. The result is an amazing sculpture showing the intricate detail of the nest architecture. Anthill Art sells cast metal sculptures on eBay. Watch the video below.