The World’s First Beer Bottle to Play Music

Beck’s came up with a very creative idea to promote its new record label based on Thomas Edison’s original cylindrical phonograph, to create what it claims to be the world’s first playable beer bottle. Check out the video below. via: Laughing Squid

Hadith on Bottled Water in Australia

Australian water company Active organic spring water quoting Prophet Muhammad’s Hadith with each bottle of water. ”Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream ” Update: The bottle tags were created by the Macquarie University Muslim students Association in Sydney during the islamic awareness week, the water company had nothing to do with… Continue reading Hadith on Bottled Water in Australia

Coca-Cola Virtual Museum

Remember The World of Coca-Cola? Well, I have something even better for you. In celebration of its 125th Anniversary Coca-Cola is sharing a collection through the lens of state-of-the-art 360-degree technology webpage that gives you access to the never-seen-before Coke Archives. Coke Collectors and fans like me will definitely love this. You’ll be able to see this… Continue reading Coca-Cola Virtual Museum

Marijuana Soda

A company based in Soquel, California, has created a new line of soda pot (or, marijuana soda) that it plans to launch in Colorado in February. According to Clay Butler, the founder of soda pot line will include the “flagship cola drink Canna Cola, the Dr Pepper–like Doc Weed, the lemon-lime Sour Diesel, the grape-flavored… Continue reading Marijuana Soda