Climbing the Great Pyramid of Giza

Andrej Ciesielski traveled to Cairo with the intention to climb one of the three mammoth tombs, the Great Pyramid of Giza. The German tourist managed to scale the entire 4,500-old (146-metre) monument in eight minutes. Watch the video below.

Chinese Made Great Sphinx

The life-size copycat Great Sphinx of Giza is under construction in Chuzhou, China’s Anhui Province, where officials aim to build a ‘World Culture Heritage Park’. But it’s not the first time China has ripped off the ancient Egyptians. In May last year, it was reported that a full-size replica of the Great Sphinx was ordered to… Continue reading Chinese Made Great Sphinx

Cedric Dumont’s Leap of Wonder Above the Egyptian Pyramids

Red Bull athlete, Cédric Dumont performed the first ever wing-suit flight, landing at the steps of the Great Pyramids of Giza on Thursday January 29, 2015. What made this jump even more spectacular is that Dumont opened his helmet once he released his parachute and was enjoying the most impressive view, and unique sight, from… Continue reading Cedric Dumont’s Leap of Wonder Above the Egyptian Pyramids

The Pyramids of Giza On Google Maps

Google Maps has added photos of the Egyptian Great Pyramid of Giza to Street View. Visitors can zoom in on landmarks from above as well as see them from street level. In addition to the pyramids, they also captured photos of the Great Sphinx, the necropolis of Saqqara, the Citadel of Qaitbay, the Cairo Citadel, the Hanging Church and… Continue reading The Pyramids of Giza On Google Maps