Red Bull Snapped: It’s Here!

It’s a good time for photos, and it’s a great time for photography enthusiasts like you. Snapped is the newest creation by Red Bull; It is the only place where Red Bull events can be seen through the camera lens of the public. Anyone can register, start uploading their photos taken at Red Bull events,… Continue reading Red Bull Snapped: It’s Here!

Colorful Exploding Water Balloons

Artist Ryan Taylor from Cedar Rapids, Iowa has taken some water balloons and used them to create some really cool photos. He used some camera gear and lighting to catch the beautiful images you see here. Taylor used strobe lights, colored water, milk, paint, and balloons for the shots. Via: Slash Gear

The iPhone Telephoto Lens

PhotoJojo’s is latest iPhone add-on telephoto lens. It gives you 8x zoom, features a manual focus on the lens body, each lens comes with a sleek, matte black iPhone case that you twist the lens onto. To compose your shot just twist the grip on the lens’ manual focus ring to make it sharp. Then snap!  … Continue reading The iPhone Telephoto Lens

96,690 Colorful Toothpicks

The beautiful piece of art you see in the above picture was created with 96,690 colorful toothpicks by 500 students in Japan. According to the teacher, Jim Mullins who invested in this project, claimed that it took almost 3 weeks to complete. The students used 96,690 colorful toothpicks. The colored toothpicks used in the project are red, blue, green, yellow, black, purple, white, and light… Continue reading 96,690 Colorful Toothpicks

First Photograph of a Human Being?

This photo might be the first ever snap of a human being. The photo, taken by the famous photography pioneer Louis Daguerre in 1838, is a view of the Boulevard du Temple, Paris, and it’s been stirring up quite the conversation over at since it was discovered on the blog The Hokumburg Goombah. Via:… Continue reading First Photograph of a Human Being?

Studio M Automobile Photography

Introducing local talent Mishari Al Reshaid car photography specialist. This guy does brilliant work folks or I wouldn’t be telling you about him. Check out the rest of his photos on his Flickr page. Looking to have your baby (your car, duh!) professionally photographed? Now you can. Just give him a holler at: Phone: 99501752 e-mail: Flickr: